Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is the term for medical products and practices that are not part of standard care. Standard care is what medical doctors, doctors of osteopathy and allied health professionals, such as registered nurses and physical therapists, practice. Alternative medicine means treatments that you use instead of standard ones. Complementary medicine means nonstandard treatments that you use along with standard ones. Examples of CAM therapies are acupuncture, chiropractic and herbal medicines.
“Successful meditation entirely depends on our inner cry. When a child is hungry, really hungry, he cries. He may be on the first floor and his mother may be on the third floor, but when the mother hears his cry she comes down immediately to feed the child. Let us take meditation as an inner hunger.”
I like to say so many thanks to, for his fair and correctness which I have never seen with any other web oder Internet Service since my beginning on the Internet 1993
H. Duthel:
Thanks to Dr. Joachim Koch University Regensburg, now Cologne, German Philosopher and well known Author, to have been a kind of Philosophy teacher for me. Philosophers Today
Thanks to Wikipedia to add my name under German-French Authors Wikipedia
Thanks to to add my name under Philosophers (Society/Philosophy/Philosophy of Science)
Book and CD Images? Over 40,000,000 Books and CD, Video Cover ready images
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Therapies Information, Acupressure, Acupuncture, Alexander Technique, Anthroposophical Medicine, Aromatherapy ,Art therapy ,Aura Soma ,Autogenic Training Ayurveda, Bach flower remedies ,Bates method ,Biochemic Tissue Salts,Biofeedback ,Biorhythms ,Bowen technique ,Buteyko, Chiropractic Cognitive and Behaviour Therapies,Colonic irrigation,Colour therapy,Cranial Osteopathy,Cranio-sacral therapy ,Do In ,Ear acupuncture Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT),Feldenkrais Method ,Feng Shui,Healing ,Hellerwork,Herbal medicine,Holographic repatterning,Homoeopathy ,Hopi ear candles Hypnotherapy ,Indian Head Massage,Iridology,Johrei,Kahuna Bodywork,Kanpo,Kinesiology,Life-coaching,Manual Lymph Drainage, Massage therapy ,McTimoney Chiropractic,Medau Movement,Meditation,Metabolic Typing,Metamorphic Technique, Naturopathy,NLP, Norris Technique, Nutritional therapy ,Osteopathy Pilates, Polarity therapy , Psychotherapy, Qigong ,Radionics,Reflexology, Reiki healing, Rolfing, Seichem / Seichim / Sekhem, Seiki, Shiatsu ,Sound Therapy Thai Foot Massage,Thai Yoga Massage,The Journey,Thought Field Therapy ,Toyohari,Trager Work,Tuina,Yoga,Zero Balancing
Soon I will add more of my Massage, Wellness and Buddhist videos and books at Please bookmark this website and look back soon.
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S.D.F. Depuis 1966
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Original Thai Body Massage by Ajarn P’Thongbai after the Medical School Wat Po, Bangkok
Original Thai Body Massage by Ajarn P’Thongbai after the Medical School Wat Po, BangkokOriginal Thai Body Massage by Ajarn P’Thongbai after the Medical School Wat Po, Bangkok (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
Original Thai Body Massage by Ajarn P’Thongbai
Thai Yoga Massage
Thai Yoga Massage exemplifies the four divine states of mind described in Buddhist teachings. These are: loving kindness, compassion, vicarious joy and equanimity. Thai Yoga Massage is traditionally taught and practiced with the aim of embodying these states in action. For this reason the massage is sometimes referred to as ‚meditation in movement‘. During a good Thai Yoga Massage the receiver would experience this meditation as a state of clear, calm and vivified embodiment.
Thai Foot Massage Reflexology Fussmassage after the Medical School Wat Po. No.1 Video on the Internet
Thai Foot Massage Reflexology Fussmassage after the Medical School Wat Po. No.1 Video on the InternetThai Foot Massage Reflexology Fussmassage after the Medical School Wat Po. No.1 Video on the Internet (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
Thai Foot Massage Reflexology Fussmassage
Marlene, 13 years certified by the Medical School Wat Pho, Thailand in Thai Foot Massage shows the art of a perfect Thai Foot Massage or Thai Foot Reflexology. This Video has been shown on Thai TV5 on September 30, 2007. Marlene 13, years show in the present Video the perfectionism and harmony of the Ancient Thai Massage. This is not Western Citizens copy of the ancient Thai art, but a Video made from a Thai Girl growing up in a Thai Massage House. Very beautiful, aesthetic, clean and amazing video, for learn and for show at your Massage Centre or just learn with this Video how to practise Thai Nuad Tao or Thai Massage. The must beautiful and perfect Video of the Ancient Thai Art available Worldwide.
Original Infant & Child Massage Course Wat Pho Medical School 2007
Original Infant & Child Massage Course Wat Pho Medical School 2007Original Infant & Child Massage Course Wat Pho Medical School 2007 (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
Original Infant & Child Massage Course Medical School Wat Pho, Bangkok
Infant Massage, A Gift of Love, has been a true blessing for our 3 month old baby. We started to use the video when she was about a month old and have been referring to it frequently since then. The video gives you a great basic approach to massaging your child. It details each area of the body without taking too long. Our daughter is a little gassy at times and I was amazed at how the tummy rubs shown on the video really help to calm her down. Remember to keep massaging even if your baby cries or fusses (just like the video says), she will eventually learn to love the time you massage her.
New Nov. 2007: Thai Facial Massage and Herbal Cleansing Video
New Nov. 2007: Thai Facial Massage and Herbal Cleansing VideoNew Nov. 2007: Thai Facial Massage and Herbal Cleansing Video (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
Thai Facial Massage and Herbal Cleansing Video
The wellness revolution is well underway. People are looking to maintain and enhance their health. They are no longer waiting for ill-health to take them to the doctor. Massage is now a recognised “Complementary Therapy” with major health funds providing rebates for massage delivered by professionals. So there is a strong place for massage in today’s rapidly growing health industry. This is because massage provides a whole range of benefits, it’s much more than just a feel good thing.
NEW: Now as .avi file for immediate use.
Thanks to Patricia in Germany for the advice.
Original Aryuvedic Aromatherapy Video Course from Thailand
Original Aryuvedic Aromatherapy Video Course from ThailandOriginal Aryuvedic Aromatherapy Video Course from Thailand (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
Original Asian Aromatherapy Video Course
What is it?
The art of applying essential oils to suit individual needs. The oils work directly on the chemistry of the body, via the skin and bloodstream. Essential oils are extracts that contain the substances that give plants their smell. They are produced by tiny glands in the petals, leaves, stems, bark and wood of many plants and trees. In nature, they are released slowly, but when heated or crushed, their oil glands burst, releasing the plant’s aroma more strongly. It isn’t known exactly when or where the art of aromatherapy began. It is thought that Chinese knowledge of medicinal oils may have reached the west by way of the Egyptians, Greeks and Roman. The first recorded use of plants in Britain was in the 13th century and from then on, manufacture increase and the oils became widely used as perfumes, antiseptics and medicines.
Thai Facial Massage and Herbal Cleansing – Original Thai after Hua Hin Spa
Thai Facial Massage and Herbal Cleansing – Original Thai after Hua Hin SpaThai Facial Massage and Herbal Cleansing – Original Thai after Hua Hin Spa (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
Thai Facial Massage and Herbal Cleansing Video
The wellness revolution is well underway. People are looking to maintain and enhance their health. They are no longer waiting for ill-health to take them to the doctor. Massage is now a recognised “Complementary Therapy” with major health funds providing rebates for massage delivered by professionals. So there is a strong place for massage in today’s rapidly growing health industry. This is because massage provides a whole range of benefits, it’s much more than just a feel good thing.
Original Thai Foot Massage Video – New Nov. 2007 by H. Duthel
Original Thai Foot Massage Video – New Nov. 2007 by H. DuthelOriginal Thai Foot Massage Video – New Nov. 2007 by H. Duthel (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
Original Thai Foot Massage Video.
Thai Massage after the teaching of the Medical School Wat Pho Bangkok.
Video is perfect for learn and to understand the philosophy behind a real Thai Nuad Tao (Foot Massage) Attention this Video is as .iso file. Order ONLY if you know to handle .iso files. You need to burn this .iso file ona DVD! No CD!
New CD Thai Meditation & Breathing Therapy
New CD Thai Meditation & Breathing TherapyNew CD Thai Meditation & Breathing Therapy (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
Meditation is a safe and simple way to help you move towards balance and harmony and is often used as a path towards knowledge of the Self. It is a practice that is perhaps as old as mankind and can be used as an aid in dealing with stress and illnesses. A state of meditation happens when your attention is focused upon the experience of the moment and is often reached by the use of techniques to calm the mind and body. There are several forms of meditation, most of which can be grouped into two basic approaches: 1. Focused or concentrative meditation 2. Mindfulness Whilst the first brings a narrowing of the attention upon a particular subject such as an image, a mantra or other symbols, the second tends to be more like observing the flow of experiences and sensations without interfering with them. Some practices are a mix of those two approaches.
Thai Advanced Medical Massage Therapy (Francais)
Thai Advanced Medical Massage Therapy (Francais)Thai Advanced Medical Massage Therapy (Francais) (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
Thai Advanced Medical Massage Therapy
Thai massage is a blend of Chinese and Ayurvedic systems. It uses gentle stretching, bending and pulling techniques to affect the flow of ‚prana‘ or vital force in the body. Treatment is focused on the massage channels and points on the body and a practitioner will use hands, feet and elbows to affect this flow and help to restore harmony to the body.
Is the manipulation of the soft tissues (skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments) of the body. It is a firm massage and has a set routine of techniques that vary from deep pressure to stimulate the body’s systems, to a slower, more superficial movement to assist relaxation.
Thai Breathing Therapy and Meditation by H. Duthel – New CD Nov. 2007 (English)
Thai Breathing Therapy and Meditation by H. Duthel – New CD Nov. 2007 (English)Thai Breathing Therapy and Meditation by H. Duthel – New CD Nov. 2007 (English) (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
Thai Breathing and Meditation Therapy by. H. Duthel
Meditation is a safe and simple way to help you move towards balance and harmony and is often used as a path towards knowledge of the Self. It is a practice that is perhaps as old as mankind and can be used as an aid in dealing with stress and illnesses. A state of meditation happens when your attention is focused upon the experience of the moment and is often reached by the use of techniques to calm the mind and body. There are several forms of meditation, most of which can be grouped into two basic approaches: 1. Focused or concentrative meditation 2. Mindfulness Whilst the first brings a narrowing of the attention upon a particular subject such as an image, a mantra or other symbols, the second tends to be more like observing the flow of experiences and sensations without interfering with them. Some practices are a mix of those two approaches.
New CD: Original Thai Body Massage after the Medical School Wat Po
New CD: Original Thai Body Massage after the Medical School Wat PoNew CD: Original Thai Body Massage after the Medical School Wat Po (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
Original Thai Body Massage after the Medical School Wat Po and Chiang Mai.
Thai Government Certified Teacher
This Thai massage concentrates on the pressure points of the whole body. It involves some stretching movements to relax fight muscles and stimulate blood circulations by Thai Royal style.
Video is now as .avi file and easy to transfer to any CD, watch on TV or PC etc.
INFANT MASSAGE: The Power Of Touch or Jap-Sen by H. Duthel
INFANT MASSAGE: The Power Of Touch or Jap-Sen by H. DuthelINFANT MASSAGE: The Power Of Touch or Jap-Sen by H. Duthel (e-book)
Download: €3.21
INFANT MASSAGE: The Power Of Touch or Jap-Sen
What is infant massage?
Infant massage is an ancient tradition in many cultures throughout the world, which is being re-discovered in the Western world. Research shows that loving, nurturing contact between caregiver and infant has a positive impact on their development. Infant massage is something that every caregiver can do and it provides benefits to both child and carer.
Please look at my Infant Massage Video here on:
Complementary Healthcare Guide
Complementary Healthcare GuideComplementary Healthcare Guide (e-book)
Download: €3.21
Complementary Healthcare Guide
The Jap-sen guide to alternative and complementary medicine, self development and natural health.
181 pages with pictures. Alternative Medicine Guide and Information from A-Z
The World Greatest Collection on Buddhist Chants and Teachings! Over 19h.
The World Greatest Collection on Buddhist Chants and Teachings! Over 19h.The World Greatest Collection on Buddhist Chants and Teachings! Over 19h. (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
The World Greatest Collection on Buddhist Chants, Videos, teachings, mp3.
All from the best known Buddhist Monks, Thailand, Worldwide, teaching in English, Chants in Pali, Videos as .avi and mpeg files
This is the greatest opportunity for all Meditation, Buddhist and Far East Philosophy fans.
Files are mainly in .iso format to facilitate download. You may need Nero or Magic Iso.
Download: €3.21
The ABC guide to alternative and complementary medicine, self development and natural health.
Buddhist Meditation – The journey to where you already 3 Hours
Buddhist Meditation – The journey to where you already 3 HoursBuddhist Meditation – The journey to where you already 3 Hours (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
The journey to where YOU already!
Buddhism Philosophy and Meditation
3 hours of Buddhism Study and at the same time fall deep into a mental meditation, by listen all what every human being should now and learn.
I trust this is for all humans searching more then what you can (learn) listen in Western Wat (Temples) or by good talking Western Monks..
Learn Meditation and the teachings of Buddha
Learn Meditation and the teachings of BuddhaLearn Meditation and the teachings of Buddha (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
Buddhism and Science
Buddhism in Modern Times
Buddhist Cosmology
Buddhist Meditation – The Way To Wisdom
Characteristics of Life and Guided Meditation
Finding Happiness in Life
Four Modes to Perfect Vision
Helping chidren overcome problems
Mindfulness in Modern Living Pt. 1
Mindfulness in Modern Living Pt. 2
Rebirth (Including Questions and Answers)
Some Aspects of Meditation
Spiritual Self-Defence
Suffering and Liberation
The End of All Ends
The Miracle in the Heart
Understanding the Three Refuges
What is the Meaning and Purpose of Life
Why (The 4 Noble Truths)
Why Is Buddhism Growing
Working with Anger
Seat down and listen. Relax, close your eyes, forgot… and start now YOU new life as millions other did…
Listen to the teaching of Buddha. Really nice. Over 6 hours Learning and Mediation
Listen to the teaching of Buddha. Really nice. Over 6 hours Learning and MediationListen to the teaching of Buddha. Really nice. Over 6 hours Learning and Mediation (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
On a full-moon day in May, he sat under the Bodhi tree in deep meditation and said. „I will not leave this spot until I find an end to suffering.“ During the night, he was visited by Mara, the evil one, who tried to tempt him away from his virtuous path. First he sent his beautiful daughters to lure Gautama into pleasure. Next he sent bolts of lightning, wind and heavy rain. Last he sent his demonic armies with weapons and flaming rocks. One by one, Gautama met the armies and defeated them with his virtue.
As the struggle ended, he realized the cause of suffering and how to remove it. He had gained the most supreme wisdom and understood things as they truly are. He became the Buddha, ‚The Awakened One‘. From then on, he was called Shakyamuni Buddha.
Oriental Philosophy: You better destroy the peoples believe then to give them believes.
Oriental Philosophy: You better destroy the peoples believe then to give them believes.Oriental Philosophy: You better destroy the peoples believe then to give them believes. (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
The essence of Hinduism – The Four Noble Truths – The cause of suffering – The Eight-Fold Path – The Five Good Conducts – Presence of mind – A finger pointing at the moon – The nature of change – The mystery of change – Peaks and valleys go together as one –
You make an image of your mankind God what is forbidden by the Jews and others, how you could make an image if you do not can even see his shadow, but even the universe has a shadow exempt our man made God who is above the Universe? What a nonsense, because the silence is the window tru wich you can see…
You better destroy the peoples believe then to give them believes.
Wonderful Dharma Lotus Sutra by H. Duthel
Wonderful Dharma Lotus Sutra by H. DuthelWonderful Dharma Lotus Sutra by H. Duthel (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
Sutra: At that time Shakyamuni Buddha emitted a light from his flesh cowl, the mark of a great person, and a radiance issued forth from the white hair-mark between his eyebrows, everywhere illumining Buddha worlds to the east equal in number to the grains of sand in one hundred and eight myriad kotis of nayutas of Ganges Rivers. Beyond these, there was a world by the name of Adorned with Pure Light. In that world was a Buddha by the name of Wisdom of Pure Flower Constellation King Thus Come One, One Worthy of Offerings, One of Right and Universal Knowledge, One Whose Clarity and Conduct Are Complete, Well Gone One Who Understands the World, Supreme Lord, Regulating Hero, Teacher of Gods and Humans, Buddha, World Honored One. He was reverently circumambulated by a great multitude of limitless, boundless Bodhisattvas, to whom he was speaking the Dharma.
Chinapanchon Pali Meditation
Chinapanchon Pali MeditationChinapanchon Pali Meditation (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
Meditation is the conscious cultivation of mindfulness, positive emotion, and clear perception of the ways things are.
The term meditation encompasses many different techniques that facilitate the the cultivation of, amongst other things, calmness, relaxation, one-pointed concentration, lovingkindness, compassion, a sense of wellbeing, and insight into the nature of reality.
Shamatha (Pali: Samatha) practice calms the mind and helps develops one-pointed concentration and positive emotions. Vipashyana (Pali: Vipassana) practice builds on the calmness, focus, and positive emotion generated in Shamatha , and helps to develop an awareness of the impermanence, interconnectedness, and the contingent nature of our experience.
Oriental Philosophy: Our Image of the World. The world as a drama. Whose game is it
Oriental Philosophy: Our Image of the World. The world as a drama. Whose game is itOriental Philosophy: Our Image of the World. The world as a drama. Whose game is it (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
King of Kings – Lord of Lord – Rulers of Rulers Peoples, Democrats have a Monarchical feeling about the Universe is very frustrating.
The Catholic Church, the Basilica, the house of King, you lie down, face the Monarch, judge in front of you.
The idea of matter and spirit no longer works anymore….
and until peoples no accept that the Universe is not a Monarchy rule by King of the Kings, handed down to the Kings and Popes until you no understand that the Universe Monarchy , the Pope and the Kings are made out of your mind, you will be slaves.
The Game of a God, the architect of the Universe, you realise that all you to is watched by a God. So you are a machine.
The fully automatic model, as we should be in the eyes of our Monarchs, rulers and leaders.
Buddha Chantings: Peng Pha ka Tha Chin Ban Chon 72 min.
Buddha Chantings: Peng Pha ka Tha Chin Ban Chon 72 min.Buddha Chantings: Peng Pha ka Tha Chin Ban Chon 72 min. (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
Buddha Chantings: Peng Pha ka Tha Chin Ban.
THE ENLIGHTENED BUDDHA WAY Delight not in the scented breeze, The shinning rain , Or the great light around, Where the flowers tremble in the eyebrows as beauty’s flames, Quake not in the tremble of the suffering, Let yourself be purified through the awakening enlightenment through senses’ pain. Rejoice not in the brightness of the beam, That illumines nothing but an illusion and dream, In the colour of gold , Where the sun illumines the shores , And attends with omen of death every birth, Do not fill your eyes with the shinning specter of the dust. Know that through this forest path, Pass many other paths, Many other worlds are entertwined in this chirascuro of light and dark, Various realms in different depths move upward and downward, Following the human mind’s illusion , desire and lust.
The conspiracy we play on ourselve. The Buddha Way of Understanding
The conspiracy we play on ourselve. The Buddha Way of UnderstandingThe conspiracy we play on ourselve. The Buddha Way of Understanding (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
A sudden crash of thunder. The mind doors burst open, and there sits the ordinary old man.
He isn’t doing anything of the kind; he isn’t even interested in such things. He’s looking at, if I may use Hindu terminology, he’s looking at Shiva, in you, saying ‚my god, Shiva, won’t you come off it?‘
When you know that, and you’ve seen through the whole mirage, then watch out, because there may still be in you some seeds of hostility, some seeds of pride, some seeds of wanting to put down other people, or wanting to just defy the normal arrangements of life.
Ashram Vipassana Meditation
Ashram Vipassana MeditationAshram Vipassana Meditation (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
Ashram Vipassana Meditation
Vipassana, which means to see things as they really are, is one of India’s most ancient techniques of meditation. It was rediscovered by Gotama Buddha more than 2500 years ago and was taught by him as a universal remedy for universal ills, i.e., an Art Of Living.
This non-sectarian technique aims for the total eradication of mental impurities and the resultant highest happiness of full liberation. Healing, not merely the curing of diseases, but the essential healing of human suffering, is its purpose.
The scientific laws that operate one’s thoughts, feelings, judgements and sensations become clear. Through direct experience, the nature of how one grows or regresses, how one produces suffering or frees oneself from suffering is understood. Life becomes characterized by increased awareness, non-delusion, self-control and peace.
Thoughts can council truth – The Buddhist Meditation way
Thoughts can council truth – The Buddhist Meditation wayThoughts can council truth – The Buddhist Meditation way (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
Thoughts can council truth – The Buddhist Meditation way
Now you say, ‚Well, that sounds pretty easy. You mean to say all we have to do is relax? We don’t have to go around chasing anything anymore? We abandon religion, we abandon meditations, we abandon this, that, and the other, and just live it up anyhow? Just go on.‘
I’m not just talking about political freedom. I’m talking about the freedom which comes when you know that you’re It, forever and ever and ever. And it’ll be so nice when you die, because that’ll be a change, but it’ll come back some other way. When you know that, and you’ve seen through the whole mirage, then watch out, because there may still be in you some seeds of hostility, some seeds of pride, some seeds of wanting to put down other people, or wanting to just defy the normal arrangements of life.
The sound of rain needs no translation
The sound of rain needs no translationThe sound of rain needs no translation (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
A rainy day in Sarneth, India-the birth place of Buddhism
Let’s think about our teachers, who always wants as to be ‚better‘, to understand that we are wrong.
This teachers are no teachers, they maybe doctrinist,but can nothing teach you.
Ask your teacher why the sound of rain needs no translation and still he knows his way and destiny?
As a young man the future Buddha was not content to live blindly in the world. He wanted to know the truth of life. He wanted answers to such questions as: why we are born, why we get old, why we suffer, why we die. He wanted to search the truth in order to help others have less suffering and to help people live in peace and harmony together.
So does the sound of the rain without translator…
Watch this Video, close your eyes and remove all outside doctrines….
Mahasamaja Sutta. Mediation and Chinapanchon Pali Buddhism
Mahasamaja Sutta. Mediation and Chinapanchon Pali BuddhismMahasamaja Sutta. Mediation and Chinapanchon Pali Buddhism (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
Mahasamaja Sutta Chanting. Mediation and Buddhism Sound
Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Sutra Ksitigarbha’s Fundamental Vows Ksitigarbha’s Fundamental Practices Ksitigarbha’s Fundamental Determination
This Mahasamaja Sutta Chanting. Mediation and Buddhism Sounds is very unique and hard to find
In Chinese culture there is a great tradition concerning tea. This tradition may be introduced with the two words: Cha Tao, the way of tea. The philosophy about Cha Tao aims to encourage people to return to nature. In other words it is a pursuit of all that is pure and simple. Popular traditional musical instruments such as the guzheng, erhu, and di, suffuse three instrumental pieces with Chinese classical flavor. The harmonious atmosphere created by these pieces of music possesses simple and peaceful qualities.
China Panchon Pali video – The Chants of Buddhism – Nov. 2007 By H. Duthel
China Panchon Pali video – The Chants of Buddhism – Nov. 2007 By H. DuthelChina Panchon Pali video – The Chants of Buddhism – Nov. 2007 By H. Duthel (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
China Panchon Pali video
– The Chants of Buddhism
– Nov. 2007 By H. Duthel
Death is one part of our life. Sometimes you have to go off, so that you can go on again. Buddhist Teaching – Nov. 2007 by H. Duthel
Death is one part of our life. Sometimes you have to go off, so that you can go on again. Buddhist Teaching – Nov. 2007 by H. DuthelDeath is one part of our life. Sometimes you have to go off, so that you can go on again. Buddhist Teaching – Nov. 2007 by H. Duthel (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
Death is one part of our life. Sometimes you have to go off, so that you can go on again.
Buddhist Teaching – Nov. 2007 by H. Duthel
New CD Thai Herbal-bags Therapy and Massage by H. Duthel
New CD Thai Herbal-bags Therapy and Massage by H. DuthelNew CD Thai Herbal-bags Therapy and Massage by H. Duthel (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
Thai Herbal-bags Therapy and Massage
n traditional Thai medicine, herbs are used to complement massages that treat illnesses. The herbal bolus (bags) treatment, also known as “herbal heat revival”, is believed to calm nerves and redirect the energy that is vital to good health. Typically, an herbal bag consists of herbs and spices that are wrapped tightly in muslin or cotton and then infused in hot water or steam. Pressing the steamed herbal bag to parts of the body helps to soothe the aching muscles and joints, removing pain and fatigue. Allow the heat to penetrate into your muscles, and feel stress and tension ease away beneath the healing kneading of a firm (but never painful) massage. Steamed herbal massage also has cosmetic effects on the skin as it contains natural herbal ingredients. Thai women use it to help ease the tired, blocked feeling that follows childbirth. In rural areas they still swear by this treatment, which is especially popular after childbirth and dieting.
Our Image of the World – Buddha Teaching – Nov. 2007 by H. Duthel
Our Image of the World – Buddha Teaching – Nov. 2007 by H. DuthelOur Image of the World – Buddha Teaching – Nov. 2007 by H. Duthel (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
Our Image of the World – Buddha Teaching
Nothing is lost in the universe
Everything Changes
Law of Cause and Effect
The first truth is that nothing is lost in the universe. Matter turns into energy, energy turns into matter. A dead leaf turns into soil. A seed sprouts and becomes a new plant. Old solar systems disintegrate and turn into cosmic rays. We are born of our parents, our children are born of us.
Download: €3.21
Yo so bha-ga-va ara-hang sam-ma sam-bud-dho….
Sva-ka-to ye-na bha-ga-va-ta dham-mo….
Su-pa-ti-pa-no yas-sa bha-ga-va-ta sa-va-ka sang-ho…..
Ta-ma-yang…. bha-ga-van-tang… sa-dham-mang… sa-sang-hang…
Ime-hi… sa-ka-re-hi… ya-tha-ra-hang aro-pi-te-hi abhi-pu-ja-ya-ma…
Sa-dhu-no… bhan-te bha-ga-wa… su-ci-ra… pa-ri-ni-bud-dho-pi…
Pa-chi-ma ja-na-ta nu-kham pa-ma-na-sa….
Ime sa-ka-re duk-kha-ta pa-na ka-ra bud-dhe pa-ti-gan-ha-tu…
Amha-kang dig-ha-ra-tang hi-ta-yak suk-kha-yak…..
The Social Dimension of the teaching of Buddha by H. Duthel (Nov. 2007)
The Social Dimension of the teaching of Buddha by H. Duthel (Nov. 2007)The Social Dimension of the teaching of Buddha by H. Duthel (Nov. 2007) (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
„To have much wealth and ample gold and food, but to enjoy one’s luxuries alone – this is a cause of one’s downfall.“
This teaching can be seen as a Buddhist dictate towards charity and to not accumulating wealth. This may be viewed as a critique of avarice, and we can apply this to our lives or to the systems and institutions under which we live.
We can confidently say that the Buddha discouraged large accumulation of wealth, simply, this is one of the Buddhas social teaching .
Both Suat Mont Ti Bath – PALI CHANTING
Both Suat Mont Ti Bath – PALI CHANTINGBoth Suat Mont Ti Bath – PALI CHANTING (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
Audio CD: Teaching of Buddha 22:43 H
Audio CD: Teaching of Buddha 22:43 HAudio CD: Teaching of Buddha 22:43 H (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
Audio CD: Teaching of Buddha 22:43 H
Buddhism and Science
Buddhism in Modern Times
Buddhist Cosmology
Buddhist Meditation – The Way To Wisdom
Characteristics of Life and Guided Meditation
Finding Happiness in Life
Four Modes to Perfect Vision
Helping chidren overcome problems
Life and Death
Making Peace with Conditions
Metta Meditation
Metta to the Future
Metta to the Past
Metta to the Present
Mindfulness in Modern Living Pt. 1
Mindfulness in Modern Living Pt. 2
Rebirth (Including Questions and Answers)
Some Aspects of Meditation
Spiritual Self-Defence
Suffering and Liberation
The End of All Ends
The Miracle in the Heart
Understanding the Three Refuges
What is the Meaning and Purpose of Life
Why (The 4 Noble Truths)
Why Is Buddhism Growing
Working with Anger
Worthy Wishes, Worthy Deeds
Video: Four Greatest Places
Mantra of Yodpragan Tripidok (PALI) by H. Duthel
Mantra of Yodpragan Tripidok (PALI) by H. DuthelMantra of Yodpragan Tripidok (PALI) by H. Duthel (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
Mantra will naturally move inward through stages, if allowed. It is important to remember this, so as to not unintentionally keep meditation shallow when it is trying to move into deeper peace.
The Mandra of Yodpragan Tripidok (Pali) Original II. In this deep meditation you train your attention to leave the chatter of the Waking state of mind, go past the fantasy of the Dreaming state, and consciously, intentionally enter the stillness of the Deep Sleep state, yet paradoxically remain awake and in deep meditation. For thousands of years the Yogis have used The Mandra of Yodpragan Tripidok (Pali) Original II to master the art of sleep, to balance the subtle energies, and to experience greater depths of meditation.
Mahasamaja Sutta. Mediation Chinapanchon Pali Buddhism
Mahasamaja Sutta. Mediation Chinapanchon Pali BuddhismMahasamaja Sutta. Mediation Chinapanchon Pali Buddhism (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
Meditation Chinapanchon Pali Buddhism.
Mahasamaja Sutta.
H. Duthel 2007, Nov. 2007
Wat Pra Chinapanchon Nongkai.
Original! Listen to the sample. For every lover of Meditation Chants
What is Buddhism? What did the Buddha discover?
What is Buddhism? What did the Buddha discover?What is Buddhism? What did the Buddha discover? (e-book)
Download: €3.21
What is Buddhism? What did the Buddha discover?
What is a Buddhist?
A Buddhist then is someone who follows the teachings of the Buddha Buddhists are ordinary people from all walks of life and may often keep their beliefs to themselves. It is not usual in the Buddhist tradition for a Buddhist to try and ‘convert’ another. Being a Buddhist is about trying to go through life with one’s eyes open and not following blindly what one is told to do – even Buddhist teachings!
Amo ta sa. (BUDDHA) Meditation Course hold in Asia 2007
Amo ta sa. (BUDDHA) Meditation Course hold in Asia 2007Amo ta sa. (BUDDHA) Meditation Course hold in Asia 2007 (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
Amo ta sa. (BUDDHA) Meditation Course
Shurangama Mantra; Shurangama Sutra; Medicine Buddha; Akshobhya; Amitabha; Avalokiteshvara; Guanyin; Chenrezig; Vajrapani; Buddhist Meditation; Vajrayana; Siddham; Hindu; Buddhism; Sanskrit Mantra; Chanting; Highest Yoga Tantra; Heart Sutra; Prajna Paramita Hridaya; Emptiness; Tibetan Buddhism; Chinese Buddhism; Buddhist Sutras; Buddhist Scriptures; Buddhist MP3; Buddhist audio files;Vajrayana; Buddhist Chanting Music Mantras; Buddhist Meditation; Zen; Chan; Ch’an; Master Hsuan Hua; Xuan Hua; Buddhist Text Translation Society; Sitatapatra; Great White Canopy; White Umbrella Deity; Buddhist Goddess; Tara Bodhisattva; Lama Zopa Rinpoche; Dalai Lama; Nagarjuna; vipassana; Buddhist Text Translation Society; Tibetan Medicine; Shurangama; Mantra Meditation; Mahayana; Wisdom; Emptiness; Mantra; Tantra; Yoga; Highest Yoga Tantra, Secret Mantra; Dharani; Dharani Sutra
The transcendental vibration established by the chanting of Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare is the sublime method of reviving our Krsna consciousness.
The transcendental vibration established by the chanting of Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare is the sublime method of reviving our Krsna consciousness.The transcendental vibration established by the chanting of Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare is the sublime method of reviving our Krsna consciousness. (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
The material atmosphere, in which we are now living, is called Maya, or illusion.
Maya means „that which is not.“
And what is this illusion?
The illusion is that we are all trying to be lords of material nature, while actually we are under the grip of her stringent laws.
When a servant artificially tries to imitate the all-powerful master, this is called illusion.
In this polluted concept of life, we are all trying to exploit the resources of material nature, but actually we are becoming more and more entangled in her complexities.
Encyclopedia of Thai Massage and Alternative Medicine
Encyclopedia of Thai Massage and Alternative MedicineEncyclopedia of Thai Massage and Alternative Medicine (book)
Print: €18.70
Download: €3.99
Thai massage is in HIGH DEMAND. ISPA’s Consumer treads singled out Thai massage as a „key trend“ for the spa industry in 2005 citing core interest in more active, ancient therapies, especially Asian. What that means is, „Your clients and future clients want a Thai massage from you“. Imagine being at the top of your massage game to the point were boat loads of clients and massage therapists look at you as „The Expert“ because you are drastically improving the health of your clients. Imagine a massage practice that has extremely loyal clientele that only seeks out and craves your bodywork…..clients that continue to use your services for years……clients that refer their friends and family……and clients that are happy to pay you the fee that you really deserve. Imagine having the type of massage skills that everyone in town knows about and respects for your quality work and unique treatments.
Neue und alte Techniken der Kupferstiche und Radierung
Neue und alte Techniken der Kupferstiche und RadierungNeue und alte Techniken der Kupferstiche und Radierung (book)
Print: €18.12
Download: €3.99
„Neue und alte Techniken der Radierung“ – das „Werkstattbuch der radierenden Alchemie“ – entstand waehrend meines Aufenthalt in Asien.
Im weiten Umkreis war mir kein Kunstfachhandel bekannt, in dem die klassischen Materialien der Ätzradierung zu kaufen waren, meine finanziellen Mittel waren beschränkt und ich begann damit zu experimentieren, was Haushalt, Drogerie, Apotheke und sonstige naheliegende Quellen hergaben. In der Fachliteratur hantieren die Kollegen mit Rezeptbegriffen wie „Holländisches Bad“, Chemikalienbezeichnungen wie „Weingeist“, „salarmoniacum“, „Erdpech“,“Drachenblut“, „Federweiß“ und technischen Begriffen wie „Heliogravüre“ usw., unter denen ich mir als Studiosus nichts vorstellen konnte und deren Bedeutung und Zusammensetzung ich mir nach und nach aus enzyklopädischen Lexika und Fachliteratur heraussuchte.
Diese Rezeptsammlungen und Übersetzungen in heute gebräuchliche Bezeichnungen bildeten den Grundstock dieses „Bastelbuches“.
Liebe wird im Himmel erzeugt, Kinder auf der Erde…… Gedichte und Gedanken
Liebe wird im Himmel erzeugt, Kinder auf der Erde…… Gedichte und GedankenLiebe wird im Himmel erzeugt, Kinder auf der Erde…… Gedichte und Gedanken (e-book)
Download: €1.25
Liebe wird im Himmel erzeugt
Kinder auf der Erde…
Gedichte und Gedanken
K. Heinz Duthel
Oktober 2007
Loin des peuples vivants, errantes, condamnées,
Ŕ travers les déserts courez comme les loups;
Faites votre destin, âmes désordonnées,
Et fuyez l’infini que vous portez en vous!
Print: €8.57
Download: €3.21
Print: €10.01
Download: €3.21
THE END IS NEAR « The End of the Western World we have known since 1945 »
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Impact Web Audio is a simple Windows™ application that will guide you through the entire process of creating and adding professional quality, streaming web audio to your web pages. Simply point, click, and create … It really is that easy!
Your Own MP3 – Video – News – Image Search Engine
Your Own MP3 – Video – News – Image Search EngineYour Own MP3 – Video – News – Image Search Engine (multimedia download)
Download: €22.14
Your Own MP3 – Video – News – Image Search Engine
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Awakening with Buddhist Mediation Music! Very great Sound and Chanting. Perfect for Meditation
Awakening with Buddhist Mediation Music! Very great Sound and Chanting. Perfect for Meditation Awakening with Buddhist Mediation Music! Very great Sound and Chanting. Perfect for Meditation (multimedia download)
Download: €3.02
Awakening with Buddhist Mediation Music! Very great Sound and Chanting. Perfect for Meditation. So nice, you want believe it….
Download it now, you want never regret it. 100% Guaranty, it is the best.
Feel Buddha, ‚The Mantra Chinabanchon‘ ( PALI ) (Children)
Feel Buddha, ‚The Mantra Chinabanchon‘ ( PALI ) (Children) Feel Buddha, ‚The Mantra Chinabanchon‘ ( PALI ) (Children) (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
Feel Buddha, ‚The Mantra Chinabanchon‘
Katha Chin Ban Chon Chanting by H. Duthel
Katha Chin Ban Chon Chanting by H. Duthel Katha Chin Ban Chon Chanting by H. Duthel (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
Katha Chin Ban Chon.
Buddhist Chanting by H. Duthel
Download: €3.21
„Not to associate with the foolish, but to associate with the wise; and to honor those who are worthy of honor — this is the greatest blessing.
To reside in a suitable locality, to have done meritorious actions in the past and to set oneself in the right course — this is the greatest blessing.
To have much learning, to be skillful in handicraft, well-trained in discipline, and to be of good speech — this is the greatest blessing.
To support mother and father, to cherish wife and children, and to be engaged in peaceful occupation — this is the greatest blessing.
To be generous in giving, to be righteous in conduct, to help one’s relatives, and to be blameless in action — this is the greatest blessing.
To loathe more evil and abstain from it, to refrain from intoxicants, and to be steadfast in virtue — this is the greatest blessing.
The Mantra of Yodpragan Tripidok (PALI) II
The Mantra of Yodpragan Tripidok (PALI) IIThe Mantra of Yodpragan Tripidok (PALI) II (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
The Mantra of Yodpragan Tripidok (PALI)
Mahasamaja Sutta. Mediation Chinapanchon Pali Buddhism
Mahasamaja Sutta. Mediation Chinapanchon Pali BuddhismMahasamaja Sutta. Mediation Chinapanchon Pali Buddhism (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
Mahasamaja Sutta. Mediation Chinapanchon Pali Buddhism
Monkol Jaggawal – Buddhist Chanting from Thailand
Monkol Jaggawal – Buddhist Chanting from ThailandMonkol Jaggawal – Buddhist Chanting from Thailand (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
Monkol Jaggawal – Buddhist Chanting from Thailand
Mahasamaja sutta chanting by H. Duthel 2008
Mahasamaja sutta chanting by H. Duthel 2008Mahasamaja sutta chanting by H. Duthel 2008 (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
Mahasamaja Sutta.
Chinapanchon Pali Buddhism
Failing the Forest – Europe’s Illegeal Timber Trade
Failing the Forest – Europe’s Illegeal Timber TradeFailing the Forest – Europe’s Illegeal Timber Trade (e-book)
Download: FREE
Failing the Forest – Europe’s Illegal Timber
A ship laden with timber from the Amazon rainforest has been prevented from docking in France by a crew of Greenpeace volunteers. It’s all to flag up the fact that there are no laws anywhere in the EU preventing dodgy lumber being imported and sold.
Download Fo_failingforests.pdf Download for Free
The Secret Flower
The Secret FlowerThe Secret Flower (e-book)
Download: FREE
The Secret Flower
Download The-secret-flower.pdf Download for Free
Na-mo tas-sa bha-ga-va-to arang-ha-to sam-ma sam-bud-dha-sa
Na-mo tas-sa bha-ga-va-to arang-ha-to sam-ma sam-bud-dha-saNa-mo tas-sa bha-ga-va-to arang-ha-to sam-ma sam-bud-dha-sa (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
Buddha Chanting, H. Duthel
Ara-hang sam-ma sam-bud-dho bha-ga-wa… Bud-dhang bha-ga-wan-tang abhi-wa-be-mi…. (Five Prostrate Bow Posture after Chant) Sva-ka-to bha-ga-wa-ta dham-mo…. Dham-mang na-mas-sa-mi…. (Five Prostrate Bow Posture after Chant)
Please look at
Healing & Relaxing Gong Meditations by H. Duthel
Healing & Relaxing Gong Meditations by H. DuthelHealing & Relaxing Gong Meditations by H. Duthel (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
Healing & Relaxing Gong Meditations
The gong has been used for thousands of years as an important tool for healing and meditation. When you experience a Gong Meditation, you can expect to do a few relaxing breathing exercises to open the body’s chakras (energy centers), and then comfortably recline to your mat or a chair or sit in a meditative posture.
The sound of the gong creates deep relaxation; it releases you from your thoughts. Nothing compares to the gong’s ability to create sound that brings us to a state of harmony.
The sound of the OM and creates deep relaxation; it releases you from your thoughts. Nothing compares to the gong’s ability to create sound that brings us to a state of harmony.
Please watch trailer at
Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini YogaKundalini Yoga (e-book)
Download: €3.21
Kundalini Yoga
The theory that underlies the cosmic power has been analysed to its thinnest filaments, and practical methods have been suggested to awaken this great pristine force in individuals. It explains the theory and illustrates the practice of Kundalini Yoga.
Lord Krishna, His Lilas and Teachings
Lord Krishna, His Lilas and TeachingsLord Krishna, His Lilas and Teachings (e-book)
Download: €3.21
Lord Krishna, His Lilas and Teachings
The life, the Lilas and teachings of Lord Krishna depicted in a lucid and inspiring style by a realised saint.
Easy Steps to Yoga
Easy Steps to YogaEasy Steps to Yoga (e-book)
Download: €3.21
Easy Steps to Yoga
These Easy Steps to Yoga are laid out with a special view to enable the novice to ascend without much difficulty the heights of spiritual attainment.
Bhagavad Gita
Bhagavad GitaBhagavad Gita (e-book)
Download: €3.21
Lord Krishna’s Immortal Song. Sanskrit transliteration and English translation of the Song. Each chapter is preceded by a short summary.
All About Hinduism
All About HinduismAll About Hinduism (e-book)
Download: €3.21
„All About Hinduism“ is intended to meet the needs of those who want to be introduced to the various facets of the crystal that is Hinduism.
Essence of Yoga
Essence of YogaEssence of Yoga (e-book)
Download: €3.21
Essence of Yoga
This book was chosen for being the ‚Beginner’s Guide to Divine Life‘.
The Sound and Philosophy of Hinduism
The Sound and Philosophy of HinduismThe Sound and Philosophy of Hinduism (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
The Sound and Philosophy of Hinduism
How long is on? And how long is off?
Undifferentiated vs differentiate
Undifferentiated vs differentiateUndifferentiated vs differentiate (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
Undifferentiated vs differentiate
Philosophy of Nature
Philosophy of NaturePhilosophy of Nature (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
Philosophy of Nature
Qigong Meditation – Meditating on Mediation by H. Duthel, Master in Oriental Philosophy and Yoga
Qigong Meditation – Meditating on Mediation by H. Duthel, Master in Oriental Philosophy and YogaQigong Meditation – Meditating on Mediation by H. Duthel, Master in Oriental Philosophy and Yoga (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
Healing & Relaxing Gong Meditations
The gong has been used for thousands of years as an important tool for healing and meditation. When you experience a Gong ACTIVE Meditation, you can expect to do a few relaxing breathing exercises to open the body’s chakras (energy centers)
The sound of the OM and creates deep relaxation; it releases you from your thoughts.
Nothing compares to the gong’s ability to create sound that brings us to a state of harmony.
Nothing – or Existence is not a Property
Nothing – or Existence is not a PropertyNothing – or Existence is not a Property (e-book)
Download: €3.21
All roads are blocked to a philosophy which reduces everything to the word ‘no.’ To ‘no’ there is only one answer and that is ‘yes.’ Nihilism has no substance. There is no such thing as nothingness, and zero does not exist. Everything is something. Nothing is nothing. Man lives more by affirmation than by bread.
Mantra of Yodpragan Tripidok (PALI)
Mantra of Yodpragan Tripidok (PALI)Mantra of Yodpragan Tripidok (PALI) (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
Mantra of Yodpragan Tripidok (PALI)
Thai Buddhist Meditation after Both Suat Mont Ti Bath by H. Duthel
Thai Buddhist Meditation after Both Suat Mont Ti Bath by H. DuthelThai Buddhist Meditation after Both Suat Mont Ti Bath by H. Duthel (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
Thai Buddhist Meditation
Both Suat Mont Ti Bath CD
Monkon Jackawan Peht Thai Buddhist Chanting
Monkon Jackawan Peht Thai Buddhist ChantingMonkon Jackawan Peht Thai Buddhist Chanting (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
Monkon Jackawan Peht Thai Buddhist Chanting
Mahasamaja Sutta. Mediation Chinapanchon Pali Buddhism
Mahasamaja Sutta. Mediation Chinapanchon Pali BuddhismMahasamaja Sutta. Mediation Chinapanchon Pali Buddhism (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
A Buddhist chant is a form of musical verse or incantation, in some ways analogous to Hindu or Christian religious recitations. They exist in just about every part of the Buddhist world, from the Wats in Thailand to the Tibetan Buddhist temples of India Almost every Buddhist school has some tradition of chanting associated with it, regardless of being Theravada or Mahayana.
Deeep Buddhist Meditation with H. Duthel
Deeep Buddhist Meditation with H. DuthelDeeep Buddhist Meditation with H. Duthel (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
Peng Phra Ka Tha Pa Hung.mp3
Mantra of_Yodpragan Tripidok PALI-1-1.mp3
Both Suat_Mont_Ti_Bath.mp3
Monkol Jaggawal-1.mp3
Monkol Jaggawal.mp3
Mahasamaja sutta chanting-1-1.mp3
Mahasamaja sutta chanting.mp3
Dependent Arising1.MP3
Dependent Arising2.MP3
Dependent Arising3.MP3
The Sangha.MP3
The Sangha2.MP3
Thai Massage Videos Collection 2007
Thai Massage Videos Collection 2007Thai Massage Videos Collection 2007 (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
Hip Massage_Techniques.mpg
Inner Thigh Massage.mpg
Swedish Massage.mpg
Thai Japanes Footmassage.mpg
Thai Japanese Head Massage.mpg
Thai Japanese Aromamassage.mpg
Massage Chiang Mai.mpg
Full Body Massage.mpg
Why Forgive?
Why Forgive?Why Forgive? (e-book)
Download: FREE
orgiveness has become a buzzword, but people still don’t understand it. They don’t realize its rewards—or the cost of refusing to forgive. Many think forgiving means excusing, forgetting, or ignoring their pain. They view it as weakness. Why Forgive? brings together survivors of crime, betrayal, bigotry, and abuse—and ordinary men and women plagued by everyday strife.
In his autobiography, Bill Clinton writes that Why Forgive?, formerly titled Seventy Times Seven, helped him through the darkest days of his presidency, following the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
Download 1694438.pdf Download for Free
Access to Insight – Readings in Theravada Buddhism
Access to Insight – Readings in Theravada BuddhismAccess to Insight – Readings in Theravada Buddhism (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
What is Theravada Buddhism? – Readings in Theravada
Theravada (pronounced — more or less — „terra-VAH-dah“), the „Doctrine of the Elders,“ is the school of Buddhism that draws its scriptural inspiration from the Tipitaka, or Pali canon, which scholars generally agree contains the earliest surviving record of the Buddha’s teachings.1 For many centuries, Theravada has been the predominant religion of continental Southeast Asia (Thailand, Myanmar/Burma, Cambodia, and Laos) and Sri Lanka. Today Theravada Buddhists number well over 100 million worldwide.2 In recent decades Theravada has begun to take root in the West.
.iso zip. 1 DVD!
Thai Advanced Medical Massage Therapy (Francais)
Thai Advanced Medical Massage Therapy (Francais)Thai Advanced Medical Massage Therapy (Francais) (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
To teach the Thai Fundamental Massage Points, for curing of more than 50 simply ailments, such as healing of muscle pain, muscle sprain, tennis elbow, stiff neck, low backpain, muscle cramping, muscle weakness, muscle stiffness, muscle discomfort and nervous tension. To make muscles, joints and tendons supple, Massage is for preventing the atrophy (wasting away) of muscles in the paralyzed patients or elderly persons who are unable to exercise. *Student must pass the General Thai Massage Course (1) before appling for this course.
Peng Phra Ka Tha Pa Hung by H. Duthel
Peng Phra Ka Tha Pa Hung by H. DuthelPeng Phra Ka Tha Pa Hung by H. Duthel (multimedia download)
Download: €3.21
Heinz Duthel