Children discover a world of words with the new interactive German/English picture dictionary series ‚The Hendeleins‘

The Hendeleins picture dictionary series

The hand-drawn German/English picture dictionary series ‚The Hendeleins‘ is a new series of interactive multi-touch children’s books with audio output.

Stefan Riedel, Andrè Dominik Kühlein and Stephen Moralee are the authors of the interactive picture dictionary series ‚The Hendeleins: What do you see and hear?‘. They created the Hendeleins, a group of animals that explore their surroundings and discover a world of words. Heddi the hedgehog and his friend, a duck named Duckie, are the first to go on a bilingual discovery tour. In this exciting interactive dictionary, children can join Heddi and Duckie on their adventures simply by clicking the pictures and reading and hearing the names of the objects in English and German. The vocabulary is linked to the pictures so that children can easily transfer the names they learned in the dictionary to the objects they see in their surroundings. This has proven to be a highly effective and effortless way to learn vocabulary.

The interactive German/English picture dictionary series ‚The Hendeleins‘ with audio output is now available for download on the iBookstore. The iBook can be read only on an Apple iPad / iPad mini.

iBookstore, iBook, iPad and iPad mini are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.

Words travel around the world and connect people. We at Riedel Publishing House help you find the right word for your translation needs.

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