Joint Media Invitation by the IPCC, the Stiftung Mercator and the TU Berlin
IPCC presents report on mitigation
Premiere public presentation on 14 April 2014, at the TU Berlin / Sigmar Gabriel speaks about German climate policy / Invitation
The first public presentation of the contribution of the IPCC“s Working Group III (WGIII) „Mitigation of Climate Change“ will take place in Berlin on 14 April 2014. The event „Science & Policy: Exploring Climate Solutions“ is co-organized by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), the TU Berlin, and the Stiftung Mercator. It will be held in the Audimax of the Technische Universität Berlin at 2 p.m. Sigmar Gabriel is one of the speakers on the occasion. The event is open to the public, but registration is required for all attendees. Registration until 8 April 2014 at:
The German Deputy Chancellor and Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy, Sigmar Gabriel, will speak at the TU Berlin on the occasion of the launch of the IPCC report on German energy and climate policy and the international context.
The program for the launch event of the WGIII report focuses on response options to the challenge of climate change: Prof. Dr. Ottmar Edenhofer, Co-Chair of the Working Group III of the IPCC, will present the new report on the mitigation of climate change. Working Group II Co-Chair Prof. Dr. Chris Field will introduce the most recently published IPCC report on „Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability“. An outlook on the IPCC Synthesis Report, which combines findings from all three Working Groups, to be published in October 2014, will be provided by the IPCC Chairman Dr. Rajendra Pachauri. He will also reflect on the relevance of the IPCC“s publications for the international UNFCCC world climate negotiation process.
Please announce the public meeting in your publication.
Registration of media
Media representatives are invited to join the presentation:
Time:Monday, 14 April 2014, 2-4 p.m.
Venue:TU Berlin, Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin, Main Building, Audimax
Speakers at the event „Science & Policy: Exploring Climate Solutions“ are:
-Sigmar Gabriel,
Deputy Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany and Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy,
-Dr. Rajendra Pachauri,
Chairman of the IPCC,
-Prof. Dr. Ottmar Edenhofer,
Co-Chair of the WGIII IPCC, Professor for the Economics of Climate Change at the TU Berlin, Director of the Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change, Deputy Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research,
-Prof. Dr. Chris Field,
Co-Chair of the IPCC Working Group II (WGII IPCC),
-Prof. Dr. Christian Thomsen,
President of the TU Berlin,
-Dr. Wolfgang Rohe,
Executive Director of the Stiftung Mercator.
The event will be held in English.
To participate in the event, you are required to register. Please write to by 8 April.
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Every five to seven years, the IPCC issues assessment reports on the cur-rent state of knowledge about climate change from the scientific, technical and socio-economic literature. The IPCC Working Group III contribution to the Fifth Assessment Report considers options for tackling the climate challenge.
The Final Draft of the WGIII report was sent for review to the member gov-ernments of the IPCC in December 2013. From April 07 to April 12, representatives of these governments gather in Berlin to approve the report“s Summary for Policymakers and to accept the underlying assessment. Following the approval session, the IPCC will hold its official press conference for the release of the report“s SPM at the Estrel Berlin Convention Center on 13 April, 11 a.m. (further information: ). On 14 April, the Working Groups II and III will join for the first time to present climate solutions, including adaptation and mitigation.
Further information:
On the event at the TU Berlin: Stefanie Terp, Spokeswoman of the TU Berlin, Email:, Phone: +49 30 / 314-23922,
on the IPCC report: Patrick Eickemeier, Scientific Editor, IPCC WGIII Technical Support Unit (TSU), Email:, and
Cathrin Sengpiehl, Communications Manager, Stiftung Mercator, E-Mail:, Tel.: 0201 / 24522-841
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TU Berlin, Stabsstelle Presse, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Alumni
Stefanie Terp
Strasse des 17. Juni 135
10623 Berlin
TU Berlin
Stefanie Terp
Strasse des 17. Juni 135
100623 Berlin