Proton Motor Fuel Cell presents product innovation „HyModule® S4“ at four hydrogen technology fairs until mid-2024

New emission-free hydrogen fuel cell system expands portfolio for off-grid power and heat supply in the stationary market segment. | Proton Motor is preparing its first HyModule® S4 presentation for its participation in „HyVolution Paris 2024“.

Puchheim and Fuerstenfeldbruck near Munich, January 24, 2024 – Right at the beginning of 2024, the headline that CO2 emissions in Germany had fallen to a record level reached media attention. A study has evaluated the lowest level of greenhouse gas emissions in 70 years. On the one hand, the decline in coal-fired power generation is responsible for improving the climate balance. On the other hand, half of Germany’s green electricity is imported from renewable resources. Solar and wind energy from France, Denmark and Norway are considered to be the most important sources of supply. CO2 stagnation can be observed in the building sector, which – just like the mobility sector – needs proactive climate protection measures to achieve the energy transition.

Europe’s leading developer and manufacturer of hydrogen fuel cells with a quarter of a century of experience, „Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH“ ( from the Munich metropolitan region, predicts dominant growth potential for the stationary market segment. In terms of „living of the future“ through off-grid electricity and heat supply with hydrogen fuel cells „Made in Germany“, the investment offensive for the expansion of renewables can be made more dynamic. In particular, infrastructure projects, emergency power concepts and industrial decarbonisation respectively decentralisation strategies benefit from the brand portfolio of the H2 key player, which has recently been expanded to include the high-tech innovation „HyModule® S4“.

The new system offers a simple ‚plug and play‘ solution for markets seeking an emission-free energy source alternative to traditional diesel and natural gas generators. This includes residential housing, small industrial complexes as well as emergency and off-grid power supply seeking seasonal energy storage and combined heat and power applications. The HyModule® S4 product is designed to offer a lower power range, using Proton Motor’s proprietary „HyStack® 200“ liquid-cooled fuel cell technology. The introduction of this new product will be complementary to the company’s existing stationary application offerings, including the higher power HyModule® S8 system.

Bavarian fuel cell manufacturer meets hydrogen economy at important trade fair venues

The HyModule® S4 development will be officially presented for the first time at HyVolution Paris 2024, which is one of the world’s leading trade fairs for hydrogen technology. Proton Motor Fuel Cell will be exhibiting from January 30 to February 1 at booth no. 4F52. With the relocation of „E-world energy & water“ to its traditional date in the winter quarter – and thus a step towards normality after exceptional years in the past – this trade fair venue from 20 to 22 February is also a must at booth no. 5H118 for the Bavarian fuel cell expert as a player in the energy industry.

Proton Motor’s industrial innovation capability at Hannover Messe“s „Hydrogen + Fuel Cells Europe“

More than 500 companies will be showcasing their products for the use of hydrogen in industry at this year’s Hannover Messe. This makes Hanover the world’s most important and largest event for the hydrogen economy. From 22 to 26 April, users of the H2 key technology will be able to get a holistic picture of the innovative and competitive capabilities of Proton Motor hydrogen fuel cells at the „Hydrogen + Fuel Cells Europe“ industry platform. A live home match for the HyModule® S4 launch will be made possible by participation in „ees Europe“ in the state capital of Munich in 2024. To mark the occasion, the sales team at booth no. B2.450H also has a focus on the modular turnkey power plant „HyShelter® 240“. The core components of the containerised Proton Motor solution for the generating of electrical and thermal energy, which has already established itself as a bestseller since its market maturity in 2021, are based on three „HyFrame®“ systems.

DE_Über Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH (
Seit einem Vierteljahrhundert ist die Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH Europas führender Experte für klimaneutrale Energiegewinnung mit CleanTech-Innovationen und auf diesem Gebiet Spezialist für emissionsfreie Wasserstoff-Brennstoffzellen aus eigener Entwicklung und Herstellung. Der Unternehmens-Schwerpunkt liegt auf stationären Anwendungen wie z.B. Notstrom für kritische Infrastrukturen sowie auf Mobilitäts-Lösungen wie etwa Back-to-Base-Anwendungen. Die CO2-bilanzierten maßgeschneiderten Standard- bzw. Hybridsysteme kommen im automotiven, maritimen als auch im Rail-Bereich zum Einsatz. Proton Motors neue automatisierte Serienfertigungsanlage wurde im September 2019 vom bayerischen Wirtschafts- und Energieminister eingeweiht.

Der international tätige Technologie-Marktführer aus Bayern, der derzeit mehr als 100 Mitarbeiter unter der Geschäftsführung von Dr. Faiz Nahab beschäftigt, ist eine 100-prozentige operative Tochter der „Proton Motor Power Systems plc“ ( mit Sitz in England. Seit Oktober 2006 ist die „Green Energy“-Aktie des Mutterkonzerns an der London Stock Exchange notiert mit gleichzeitigem Handel an der Frankfurter Börse (Tickersymbol: „PPS“ / WKN: A3DAJ9 / ISIN: GB00BP83GZ24).

EN_About Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH (
For a quarter of a century, Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH has been Europe“s expert in climate-neutral energy generation with CleanTech innovations and in this field, it has specialised in emission-free hydrogen fuel cells developed and manufactured in-house. The corporate focus is on stationary applications such as emergency power for critical infrastructures and mobile solutions such as back-to-base applications. In addition, the CO2-balanced customised or standard respectively hybrid systems are used in the automotive, maritime and rail sectors. Proton Motor“s new automated series production plant was inaugurated in September 2019 by the Bavarian Minister of Economic Affairs and Energy.

The internationally active technology market leader from Bavaria, which currently employs more than 100 people under the CEO management of Dr Faiz Nahab, is a wholly owned operating subsidiary of „Proton Motor Power Systems plc“, based in England. Since October 2006, the parent company’s „Green Energy“ share has been listed on the London Stock Exchange with simultaneous trading in Frankfurt/Main (ticker symbol: „PPS“ / WKN: A3DAJ9 / ISIN: GB00BP83GZ24).

Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH
Ariane Günther
Benzstraße 7
82178 Puchheim
Phone: +49 (89) 127 62 65-96
E-Mail: 73c0b0c8cd4cdb0f055b3afa6e943757157cc6f2

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