Varicose veins are not only a cosmetic problem, they can also cause significant discomfort – but with the innovative, minimally invasive ELVeS® Radial® laser therapy from biolitec®, there is now a gentle and effective solution for those affected.
Jena, 20.03.2025 – Innovative technologies have taken the treatment of varicose veins to a new level. At the forefront is biolitec®’s ELVeS® Radial® Laser Therapy, which is not only medically effective but also delivers cosmetically convincing results. Many of those affected suffer from heavy, tired legs, swelling and pain, especially after standing or sitting for long periods. Night cramps and an unpleasant tingling sensation in the legs can affect sleep and quality of life. Fear of possible complications such as phlebitis or thrombosis can be an additional burden. However, modern procedures such as ELVeS® Radial® Therapy offer new hope for a life without symptoms. Overall, more and more patients are deciding on the minimally invasive method.
The therapy is also recommended for certain risk groups, such as patients with contraindications for surgical procedures. These may be general health problems or other factors, such as taking a permanent blood thinner, or patients with pacemakers. In these cases, surgery can also be performed gently under local anesthesia. There is no need to stop taking blood-thinning medication, and patients who tend to have wound-healing disorders, such as those with obesity or diabetes mellitus, also benefit from the minimally invasive procedure because no major incisions are necessary.
ELVeS® Radial® Therapy uses the precise power of the laser to treat diseased veins from the inside without damaging the surrounding tissue. The result is a significantly improved appearance of the treated areas. Unlike traditional surgical procedures, ELVeS® Radial® Therapy rarely causes bruising and leaves no visible scars, which is a decisive advantage for many patients. After treatment, patients can usually quickly resume their normal activities without noticeable traces. This is not only attractive for people who just want to get fit again quickly, but also for those who are in the eye of the public. The minimally invasive treatment is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. Unlike traditional surgical procedures, the postoperative course after ELVeS® Radial® is also almost painless, and recovery from the treatment is correspondingly quick. Since the treatment itself only takes about 30 minutes, it is also of interest to patients with a busy schedule. This makes ELVeS® Radial® a practical option for many sufferers.
The ELVeS® Radial® laser technology minimizes the risk of complications such as perforations or skin burns and is therefore very safe. Because the therapy combines medical efficacy, a short treatment time and quick recovery with cosmetically convincing results, ELVeS® Radial® is becoming increasingly popular with varicose vein patients. You can find out more about ELVeS® Radial® and the other therapies from biolitec® at and
Die biolitec® ist eines der weltweit führenden Medizintechnik-Unternehmen im Bereich minimal-invasive Laseranwendungen und bietet im Bereich der Photodynamischen Therapie (PDT) die lasergestützte Behandlung von Krebserkrankungen mit dem in der EU zugelassenen Medikament Foscan® an. Die biolitec® hat sich seit 1999 vor allem auf die Entwicklung von neuen minimal-invasiven, schonenden Laserverfahren konzentriert. Der einzigartige LEONARDO®-Diodenlaser von biolitec® ist der erste universell einsetzbare medizinische Laser, der über eine Kombination von zwei Wellenlängen, 980 nm und 1470 nm, verfügt und fachübergreifend verwendbar ist. ELVeS® Radial® (ELVeS® = Endo Laser Vein System) ist das weltweit am häufigsten eingesetzte Lasersystem zur Behandlung der venösen Insuffizienz. In der Proktologie bietet die biolitec® eine maximal schließmuskelschonende Therapie für Analfisteln als auch Behandlungsformen für Hämorrhoiden und Steißbeinfisteln an. In der Urologie hat sich das Therapieangebot vom Bereich gutartiger Prostatavergrößerung (BPH) auf Blasen- sowie Prostatatumoren erweitert. Speziell für die mobile Anwendung vor Ort wurde der nur 900 g leichte LEONARDO® Mini-Laser entwickelt. Schonende Laseranwendungen in den Bereichen Gynäkologie, HNO, Thorax-Chirurgie und Pneumologie, Ästhetik sowie Orthopädie gehören ebenfalls zum Geschäftsfeld der biolitec®. Weitere Informationen unter
biolitec® Holding GmbH & Co KG
Jörn Gleisner
Untere Viaduktgasse 6/9
1030 Wien
Phone: +49 (0) 3641 / 51953-36
Fax: +49 (0) 3641 / 51953-33
Jörn Gleisner
Otto-Schott-Straße 15
07745 Jena
Phone: +49 (0) 3641 / 51953-36
Fax: +49 (0) 3641 / 51953-33
Bildquelle: @biolitec