Hofmann Holding / Hofmann & Partner Plans Massive Workforce Expansion under CEO Dr. Gole

London,19.03.2025 – Under the leadership of CEO Dr. Gole, Hofmann Holding, which includes the renowned business law firm Hofmann & Partner, has announced an extensive increase in its workforce. The planned recruitment drive comes in response to several major contracts recently secured by the company, ensuring sustainable growth potential.

With an eye on the future, Hofmann Holding is currently expanding its Munich location. The focus is not only on attracting new talent but also on solidifying its market position in the highly competitive consulting sector.

„Our goal is to drive our expansion forward with highly qualified professionals and provide our clients with top-level support,“ said CEO Dr. Gole. The expansion in Munich is a strategically important step to meet the growing demands of clients.

Given the ambitious growth plans, Hofmann Holding is expected to further strengthen its market position. New hires will be made across various areas to meet the demand for expertise and innovation.

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