Orange follows on second, Vodafone on third place, the fourth placed Yoigo shows the strongest increase in points.
Munich, March 4, 2025 – Movistar’s mobile network ranks first in this year’s connect Mobile Network Test Spain 2025. The operator is followed by Orange on second, Vodafone on third and Yoigo on fourth place. The renowned network test was again conducted by the media brand connect and their independent benchmarking partner. As in the years before, a great deal of effort was put into determining, which network operators are the leaders in Spain using objective and customer-oriented test procedures. The award handover will take place today during the Mobile World Congress Barcelona 2025.
Movistar is „Best in Test“ scoring 903 out of 1,000 points possible and receives the overall grade „very good“. The operator leads in the Data category. It also receives the best score overall in the additional Reliability assessment.
Despite the announced 50:50 joint venture with Másmovil/Yoigo, named Masorange, the Orange network still operates separately and thus was evaluated as an individual candidate. Orange achieves a score of 889 points and also the overall grade „very good“. The network leads in the category Crowdsourcing and shows the highest share of 5G samples in the analysis, together with Yoigo.
Vodafone achieves 881 points and also the overall grade „very good“. The operator leads in the category Voice, providing the best Speech Quality. In the additional Reliability assessment, Vodafone is ahead together with Movistar and Orange.
The Yoigo network achieves 864 points and, for the first time, also the overall grade „very good“. As with Orange, this mobile network is currently still operating independently despite the pending merger, which this year’s benchmark takes into account. Yoigo improved its score by 17 points compared to last year, which is the strongest increase of all candidates. Yoigo, together with Orange, shows the highest share of 5G samples, in cities above 90%.
Hannes Ruegheimer, editor at connect, said: „Congratulations to Movistar for winning our Mobile Network Test 2025 Spain. Our assessments reflect a very positive result: All Operators achieve the overall grade „very good“ with Yoigo showing the strongest score increase. This is good news for Spanish mobile communications customers.“
The drive tests and walk tests took place in inner-city areas, outer metropolitan and suburban areas, smaller towns and cities along the connecting highways at the end of January and early February 2025. Four drive test cars traveled 16 cities and 19 towns covering 10,100 kilometers. The selected areas covered around 11.57 million people, approximately 24.05% of Spain’s population. The crowd-sourced analyses are based on 6.8 billion samples gathered from mid August 2024 to end of January 2025. These represent approximately 99.1% of Spain’s built-up area and statistically cover 99.8% of Spain’s population. The results of all tests were thoroughly weighed to achieve a realistic and conclusive assessment of each network’s potential and performance.
connect’s independent mobile network tests provide a fair, transparent and neutral assessment and comparison of the networks‘ capabilities to customers, management and supervisory boards of mobile network operators. The assessment was first conducted in Germany more than 20 years ago and has since been extended to Austria, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. It has become the de-facto industry standard for customer-perceived network quality.
WEKA Media Publishing GmbH has dedicated itself to this motto. With its premium media brand connect at its heart, whose family also includes the brands connect conference and connect professional, it accompanies readers through exciting worlds of technology. Both in print and digital, high editorial competence and objective product tests in the company’s own test laboratory are a constant requirement. This is one of the reasons why WEKA Media Publishing GmbH is one of Germany’s largest media houses in the technology sector and also offers a test laboratory for competent and independent testing services that is unique in the media landscape.
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